Immanuel Christian Reformed Church comprises mostly overseas Chinese from the Philippines, Taiwan and South East Asia. We have an Amoy-English service and a Mandarin-English service.

ICRC subscribes to the tenets of the Nicene and Apostles Creeds which are founded on the Godhead of the Trinity and the salvation of the Cross through the resurrection of Christ. The Christian Reformed Church originated from Holland based on the Reformation work of John Calvin, and is part of the greater family of Bible-based Christians worldwide.

The Immanuel Church has two fellowships for the young people among us.SALT and Light Teens is the vibrant home of our high schoolers. Learn more about SALT through Peterson's web pages. YAF is the Young Adults Fellowship. It caters to the university and 20-something people.


The annual cycle of events at ICRC includes a Summer Family Retreat. The 1999 Retreat will be held at Trinity Western University in July. As well, ICRC holds an annual Daily Vacation Bible School in late summer. That has proved to be a great outreach event to unsaved children in our community in Richmond. To cap off the year, our annual Christmas Cantata takes place in mid December. Each year is a memorable combination of music and drama designed as a worship spectacle as well as an outreach program. There is always lots to do at ICRC and much work remains to be done to ensure that God's mission is achieved.

Friends 1998


Next... Heritage Week Continues Here On A&E. To The Land of Mists and Mountains...

The Story Of The Fujian Exodus


ICRC Friends...

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